Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Uncovering the mosaic

Ahoy thar matey.  Today it were all hands on deck as we had to uncover the mosaic.

Now I know that Timothy and Theodore know the place I'm referrin' to.  But do they know what it looks like all winter?

Ya see?  It be all battened down and tucked away for the season.  That way the rain and the winds can't hurt it.  But now the weather be more sunny so it's time to take off the cover.

Now the first thing to do is take off all the rocks and sand on top of the cover.  They put this on to keep the cover from blowin' away.

I told me mate General S to give me mates a hand, but he though it were time to play in the sand.  "Aye matey.  That's not the way.  We need to be helping those kids.  Now grab some felt and pull."

And pull we did.

But, being small, we somehow managed to get thrown in the wheelbarrow with the rest of the sand.

And then dumped out into a pile of sand!

By the time we made it back to the bath, the kids were spraying it down and washing it off.

They needed some help keeping the drain clean, so I volunteered with General S.  We did our best.

"Ya did great General S.  Now comes the fun part--a ride on me favorite dolphin!"

Trip to Delphi

Today we took a trip to Delphi.

First we stopped in Thebes. Pirate Shortbeard tells me that Timothy and Theodore have never been here before, so I made him stop to take a picture.  Here we are in front of a tower built almost 700 years ago.  It was pretty cool.  We even got to go inside.

But then we traveled to Delphi.  Shortbeard says the twins have visited this place already.  So here are a couple of things to remind them.  Here we are drinking water from the spring in front of the site.

And here we are outside the museum.  I was tired from all the walking and took a quick rest beside a column capital.  But Shortbeard said we had to leave soon so we could visit a monastery.

Here we are outside the monastery.  We were a little nervous because the sign said that we had to dress a certain way.  Luckily, pirate and soldier clothes were allowed.

Here we are visiting Saint Luke himself.  They tell me he's been dead for close to a thousand years!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

A "heady" day

--Aye thar General S, if that be yer name...

--Yep, that's me.  Glad Theodore finally told you.

--I'm feeling a wee bit down today.  Could use some cheering up.

--Well, Shortbeard, ol' buddy, I'm well "ahead" of you?


--You see, my old buddy Theodore is pretty good with puns, so I've learned I few over the years.

--What be ye after General S?

--Well let's "head" over here a second.


--What, you don't see where this is "headed"?

--A Ha!  I get it now.  I just need me a moment to get my "head in the game."

--There you go.  Now that we've found our "heading," let's begin.

--You get a "head" start, General S.  I'll "head" you off at the pass.

--Nice one, I'd ask our buddy here to play along, but he's a "dead head"

--Nah, he's just too big headed for us.

--That one hit the nail on the head.

--Stop!  I'm going to laugh me head off.

--I might be "in over my head" playing this game with you.

--Aye, I'm as level headed as they come.

--Don't get too "big headed"

--Awww Shortbeard, that one gave me a headache.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Feeling small

-Hey Shortbeard.


-You ever feel, well, kind of small.

 -What you mean thar me soldier friend?

-I don't know.  It's like, sometimes, everything seems so much bigger than me.  Just look at where we're sitting.


-That's not just a rock Shortbeard.  That's a column.

-Don't ye bother too much.  I can fix that.  Get the guy with the camera and follow me.  Now tell him to picture us like this.

--Hey.  That's better.  Now I feel as big as a giant!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Can't sleep

Arg!  I can't sleep.  Must be the noise in Athens.  I prefer the sound of the waves and the wind in the sails of me ship on the wide open sea.

Aye, and this bed be too soft!  Not like me best hammock in me ship's cabin.

"Maybe if you had something to eat? Here's some chips..."

Arg!  It's not me belly what's keepin' me up.  That be full still from dinner.  It were ham night after all!

"Well I'll tell you what, I'll sit next to you and keep you company until you fall asleep."

Thanks me old soldier buddy.  But what I needs is a good pirate movie.  Let's wait to see if someone can turn on the TV for us.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Where did you send us?

It was all so sudden we didn't even have time to pack.  Well, at least I had a little more warning than my new friend Shortbeard.  Theodore brought me and my policeman partner up from the toy pile and I ended up getting picked for this mission.  I'm still not sure where I am exactly.  Luckily for me, just as I was about to leave for this adventure, Timothy grabbed this crusty old pirate and we were off.

I learned at the airport that my new partner's name is Shortbeard.  He tells me that he's been all the way to Greece on a trip before and that he had great adventures with Timothy and Theodore's dad.  But even Shortbeard wasn't sure where we were headed.

It was a wild ride over, going through security, running through airports, changing planes, but then we arrived.  As soon as our bag was opened Shortbeard jumped out and took me by the arm.  "Shiver me timbers.  I know this place.  We're in Greece again and that be the Mediterranean Sea."

I was feeling a bit hungry so Timothy and Theodore's dad took me for something to eat.  "What's that?" I asked.  "Why it's only Theodore's favorite thing to eat in Greece!' he said.

"Arrrr...  I prefer the beasties from the sea meself!" said Shortbeard.  I'm not sure what that means, but I think I'm in for a real adventure!