Monday, June 19, 2017

Going for a swim

Today, Shortbeard and General S talked me into going to the beach.

Apparently, they've been practicing in the sink holding their breath and swimming around.  I didn't know this, so I was pretty surprised when we got in the water and General S said, "Watch this!" and dove straight to the bottom.  See for yourself.

I knew Shortbeard was a good swimmer from all those years ago, but once I saw how deep General S could dive, I said "Let's go" and we headed off to do some exploring.

Here is General S up close with a sea urchin shell.

 Can you see him from the surface?

Here he is making friends with a sea cucumber.

Not to be outdone, Pirate Shortbeard made friends with a sea sponge.

He was so brave, he even hung out with the sea urchins.  He was careful not to sit on them this time!

But soon enough, it was time to leave.  Here's Shortbeard swimming back to the surface.

Hope you enjoyed seeing their adventure!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Toys! Toys! Toys!

Aye Matey!  What a day!

I've been counting the days 'til we sail back to Michigan.  So when we got to 2 weeks, I said to Jon, "Aye!  We be down to 14 days.  Time to start thinking about toys to bring back for Timothy and Theodore!"

So Jon took us to JUMBO, and boy, were it ever a good time!  I ran to the things I thought Timothy would like best.

Thar be pirates!  I said.  And Princesses what need to be rescued!!!

"That's a sign Pirate Shortbeard!" Jon said.  "Plus, we don't want to get them the wrong toys. We best take some pictures of the things we think they'll like best and let them decide."

"Aye" said I.  What do you think he'll say about this?" I asked.

But then, I saw this!  "What do ye think?" I asked?

"Maybe..." said Jon.  I'll take a picture and ask.

But then General S was off to another part of the store for things for Theodore. 

"I think I found something," he said.

"Wait.  Now this is what I need!  Send a pic of this to Theodore!"

Top of the world

There's nothing better than climbing somewhere up high and looking around.  Pirate Shortbeard and I have been doing a lot of that lately.

Here we are in Nafplio at the top of the castle.

And here we are at the top of Acrocorinth.

You know what?  The view might be nice, but boy are the climbs hard.  Jon's legs must be 100 times longer than ours!  How are we supposed to keep up???

Luckily he agreed to carry us down both times!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Don't sit there!

Aye!  Me mate General S sure saved the day today.

Thar we were, at the beach, lookin' out over the sea and I started to feel a bit tired.  So I went to sit on rock, but I didn't look where I were....


Well, I turned round just in time to see that a spiky urchin were right there behind me.  Can you imagine the time I would have had, picking all those spikes out of me backside!